Viewing the contents of the file from the current directory . At the linux command " dir " alias only in the form of the command " ls " . For the command " ls " itself often created alias " ls - color " , so that when in " ls " colors displayed in accordance with the files , usually green to execute , and so on .
ls - al
View the entire contents of a file in the current directory and its file attribute hidden + / permissions of the file , and then displayed one screen display .
cd ( directory )
Change directory . Using the " cd " without the directory name will deliver you to the home directory . And " cd - " will deliver you to the previous directory .
cp source destination
copying a file . for example : cp / home / sleepholic / Desktop / / opt / lampp / htdocs / .This means I mengcopyfile on the desktop to the htdocs folder in lamp
mcopy source destination
Copy a file from / to dos filesystem . Example mcopy a : autoexec.bat / junk . Use "man mtools " command similar to : mdir , mcd , mren , move , mdel , mmd , mrd , mformat ....
mv source destination
Move or rename a file . For example : mv / opt / lampp / htdocs / / home / sleepholic / Desktop . This aritnya you move ( cut ) file to the Desktop . To Rename : mv namaLama namaBaru . Example : mv . rename this berartianda be
ln- s source destination
Creating Links symbolic , example ln- sf / usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_SVGA / etc/X11/X , create symbolic links from the file XF86_SVGA to X
rm files
Delete the file . Example rm / opt / lampp / htdocs / means you delete files in the folder / opt / lampp / htdocs /
mkdir directory
Creating a new directory . example mkdir / home / sleepholic / Desktop / folderbaru . means andatelah create a new folder on the desktop with the name folderbaru
rmdir directory
Removing empty directory . Can only be made to an empty folder . Example : rmdir / home / sleepholic / Desktop / folderbaru . Means you remove folderbaru on Desktop
rm - r files
Recursive Remove , Delete files , directories and subdirectories . No matter whether the directory / folder exists or not isnya . any contents will be deleted . Be careful using this command if you are logged in as root , since root can easily delete all files on the system with the above command , no command to undelete diLinux ( yet )
To display the screen by screen something . dibelakang.Contoh add more commands : cp - help | more . then help of cp will be shown a screen- by- screen
less filename
Viewing a file screen by screen , and press the " q " if you want to get out .
pico filename
Edit a text file
pico - w filename
Edit a text file , to disable the word wrap function , very useful for editing files like / etc / fstab .
lynx file.html
Viewing html file or browse the net with a text mode , where the picture / image can not be displayed - right , but the lynx is a very fast browser , very useful if you just want an article without image.Contoh : lynx . You will google enjoys in the terminal .
tar - xvfz filename.tar.gz
Untar a tar file once uncompress the file ( * . Tar.gz or * . Tgz ) , who wants to put a directory to add the option- C directory , for example tar - zxvffilename.tar.gz - C / opt ( putting files The directory / opt )
tar - xvf filename.tar
Untar a tar file is not compressed ( * . Tar ) .
gunzip filename.gz
Uncompress a zip file ( * . Gz " or * . Z ) . using gzip ( also zip or compress ) if you want to compress the file .
bunzip2 filename.bz2
Uncompress the file format ( * . Bz2 ) with the utility " bzip2 " , used on large files .
Uncompress the file format ( * . Zipped ) with the utility " unzip " compatible with pkzip for DOS .
find / - name "filename "
Looking for "filename " on your computer starting with the / . The filename may contain wildcards ( * , ? ) .
locate filename
Finding files with the string " filename " . It's easy and fast from the above command .
talk username1
Talk to the keyboard with another user who is logged on our machines ( or use "talk username1 @ machinename " to talk to other computers ) . To receive an invitation conversation , type " talk USERNAME2 " . If someone tries to talk to you and it disrupts , you can use perinta " mesg n " to reject the message . And use the command " who" or " rwho " to see who is disturbing the user .
Running " Commander Morton " ... uh ... one meant " Midnight Commander " file manager , fast and good . ( If not there install it first . )
telnet server
To connect your computer to another computer using the TELNET protocol . Use the machine name or IP number machine , and you will get a login prompt from the machine name , enter the password , oh yes .. you also have to have an account on the remote machine . Telnet will connect you with others and let your computer to the mengoperasikanmesin . Telnet is not secure , setiapyang you type into the "open text " , also with your password ! Use ssh instead of telnet to access the machine remotely .
rlogin server ( = remote login )
You connect to another computer . Loginname and password , but if your account has been used , then you will get an error message in your password . Very unsafe as well , use ssh instead . rsh server ( = remote shell ) Yet another way to connect to a remote machine . The login name / password is being used on the remote machine they will be, then your password will not be valid . Ditto with rlogin , substitute with ssh . ftp ftp server to another machine , it is very useful for copying files to / from a remote machine . Also not safe , use scp instead of ssh family
Minicom program ( can be said as " Procomm / Hyperterminal for Linux " ) .
. / program_name
Running the program in the current directory , which is not found in your PATH
Running X -windows server ( without a windows manager ) .
. startx
Running X -windows server and load the default window manager . Just like the " win " under DOS with Win3.1
startx - : 1
Running subsequent X-windows session on the display 1 ( default use display 0 ) . You can run many GUI terminals simultaneously , to move between using the GUI , , etc , but it will take more memory .
x - term
( in X terminal ) , run X - windows terminal . To exit type " exit" xboing ( in X terminal ) . Deh .... very funny , like the old games-games .....
Image editor program that is very good , comparable to Adobe Photoshop , the difference is this program free of charge .
shutdown - h now
( as root ) Shut down the system . Commonly used for remote shutdown . Use it to shutdown at the console ( can be run by the user ) .
reboot ( as root ) Halt or reboot the machine . More simple than the one above.
man topic
Displays a list of system manual pages (help ) in accordance with the topic . Try " man man " . lalutekan " q " to exit the viewer . Command " info topic " Manual pages can be read in a way dilhat " any_command -help " .
apropos topic
Displays help manual based on the topic .
Seeing the current working directory ( print working directory )
Displays the name of the local host ( the machine on which you are working ) . Use the command " netconf " ( as root ) to change the hostname of the machine , or edit the file / etc / hosts
Print your login name . to know what you terlogin with the user .
id username
Print user id ( uid ) or group id ( gid )
Print or change the date and time on the computer, for example to change the date and time to 2000-12-31 23:57 by command ; date 123123572000
Seeing the amount of time that a process is handled to completion + other info . Do not be confused with the command " date " whoMelihat user who is logged on our computer .
rwho -a
See all users logged on your network . The rwho service must be enabled command , run setup as root to activate .
finger username
Viewing user information , try running ; finger root
See the previous user has logged in komputer.uptimeMelihat amount of time the use of computers by one , starting the last reboot .
ps ( = print status)
See processes run by the user .
pa axu
Seeing the whole process run , even without terminal control , also displayed the name of the user for each process .
See the process running , the cpu usage sequences . uname - aInformasi your system kernel .
Information memory ( in kilobytes ) .
df - h
( = disk free ) Viewing the disk usage information on the whole system (in human - readable form )
du / - bh
( = disk usage ) View detailed disk usage for each directory , starting from the root (in human legible form) .
cat / proc / cpuinfo
Cpu info. Viewing files in the / proc directory is not a real file ( not real files ) .
cat / proc / interrupts
Seeing the interrupt address / proc / versionVersi of Linux and other information .
cat / proc / filesystems
Seeing the filesystem used .
cat / etc / printcap
See printers that have been set up .
( as root ) Looking at the kernel modules that have been loaded .
Viewing environment of active users
echo $ PATH
Viewing the contents of the variable " PATH " . This command can be used to display other environmen variables well . Use the " set " to see the full environmen .
Prints messages during the boot process . ( Showing file : / var / log / dmesg ) .
Adding user .
Cleaning the Screen* some commands require you to log in as root . how to stay adding " sudo " in front of perintahmisalkan : sudo rmdir / home / sleepholic / Desktop / x or sudo cp / opt / lampp / lampp / home / sleepholic /
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