Rabu, 12 Maret 2014




Viewing the contents of the file from the current directory . At the linux command " dir " alias only in the form of the command " ls " . For the command " ls " itself often created alias " ls - color " , so that when in " ls " colors displayed in accordance with the files , usually green to execute , and so on .

ls - al

View the entire contents of a file in the current directory and its file attribute hidden + / permissions of the file , and then displayed one screen display .

cd ( directory )

Change directory . Using the " cd " without the directory name will deliver you to the home directory . And " cd - " will deliver you to the previous directory .

cp source destination

copying a file . for example : cp / home / sleepholic / Desktop / Joomla.zip / opt / lampp / htdocs / .This means I mengcopyfile Joomla.zip on the desktop to the htdocs folder in lamp

mcopy source destination

Copy a file from / to dos filesystem .
Example mcopy a : autoexec.bat / junk . Use "man mtools " command similar to : mdir , mcd , mren , move , mdel , mmd , mrd , mformat ....

mv source destination

Move or rename a file .
For example : mv / opt / lampp / htdocs / joomla.zip / home / sleepholic / Desktop . This aritnya you move ( cut ) joomla.zip file to the Desktop . To Rename : mv namaLama namaBaru . Example : mv Joomla.zip Project.zip . Joomla.zip rename this berartianda be project.zip

ln- s source destination

Creating Links symbolic , example ln- sf / usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_SVGA / etc/X11/X , create symbolic links from the file XF86_SVGA to X

rm files

Delete the file .
Example rm / opt / lampp / htdocs / Joomla.zip means Joomla.zip you delete files in the folder / opt / lampp / htdocs /

mkdir directory

Creating a new directory .
example mkdir / home / sleepholic / Desktop / folderbaru . means andatelah create a new folder on the desktop with the name folderbaru

rmdir directory

Removing empty directory .
Can only be made to an empty folder . Example : rmdir / home / sleepholic / Desktop / folderbaru . Means you remove folderbaru on Desktop

rm - r files

Recursive Remove , Delete files , directories and subdirectories . No matter whether the directory / folder exists or not isnya . any contents will be deleted . Be careful using this command if you are logged in as root , since root can easily delete all files on the system with the above command , no command to undelete diLinux ( yet )


To display the screen by screen something .
dibelakang.Contoh add more commands : cp - help | more . then help of cp will be shown a screen- by- screen

less filename

Viewing a file screen by screen , and press the " q " if you want to get out .

pico filename 

Edit a text file

pico - w filename

 Edit a text file , to disable the word wrap function , very useful for editing files like / etc / fstab .

lynx file.html

Viewing html file or browse the net with a text mode , where the picture / image can not be displayed - right , but the lynx is a very fast browser , very useful if you just want an article without image.Contoh : lynx google.com . You will
google enjoys in the terminal .

tar - xvfz filename.tar.gz
Untar a tar file once uncompress the file ( * . Tar.gz or * . Tgz ) , who wants to put a directory to add the option- C directory , for example tar - zxvffilename.tar.gz - C / opt ( putting files
The directory / opt ) 

tar - xvf filename.tar
Untar a tar file is not compressed ( * . Tar ) .

 gunzip filename.gz
Uncompress a zip file ( * . Gz " or * . Z ) .
using gzip ( also zip or compress ) if you want to compress the file .

bunzip2 filename.bz2

Uncompress the file format ( * . Bz2 ) with the utility " bzip2 " , used on large files .

unzip filename.zip
Uncompress the file format ( * . Zipped ) with the utility " unzip " compatible with pkzip for DOS .

find / - name "filename " 

Looking for "filename " on your computer starting with the / . The filename may contain wildcards ( * , ? ) . 

locate filename

Finding files with the string " filename " . It's easy and fast from the above command .

talk username1

Talk to the keyboard with another user who is logged on our machines ( or use "talk username1 @ machinename " to talk to other computers ) .
To receive an invitation conversation , type " talk USERNAME2 " . If someone tries to talk to you and it disrupts , you can use perinta " mesg n " to reject the message . And use the command " who" or " rwho " to see who is disturbing the user .


Running " Commander Morton " ... uh ... one meant " Midnight Commander " file manager , fast and good . ( If not there install it first . )

 telnet server 

To connect your computer to another computer using the TELNET protocol . Use the machine name or IP number machine , and you will get a login prompt from the machine name , enter the password , oh yes .. you also have to have an account on the remote machine . Telnet will connect you with others and let your computer to the mengoperasikanmesin . Telnet is not secure , setiapyang you type into the "open text " , also with your password ! Use ssh instead of telnet to access the machine remotely .

rlogin server ( = remote login )

You connect to another computer .
Loginname and password , but if your account has been used , then you will get an error message in your password . Very unsafe as well , use ssh instead . rsh server ( = remote shell ) Yet another way to connect to a remote machine . The login name / password is being used on the remote machine they will be, then your password will not be valid . Ditto with rlogin , substitute with ssh . ftp ftp server to another machine , it is very useful for copying files to / from a remote machine . Also not safe , use scp instead of ssh family


Minicom program ( can be said as " Procomm / Hyperterminal for Linux " ) .

. / program_name

Running the program in the current directory , which is not found in your PATH


Running X -windows server ( without a windows manager ) .

. startx

 Running X -windows server and load the default window manager . Just like the " win " under DOS with Win3.1

startx - : 1

Running subsequent X-windows session on the display 1 ( default use display 0 ) .
You can run many GUI terminals simultaneously , to move between using the GUI , , etc , but it will take more memory . 

x - term

( in X terminal ) , run X - windows terminal . To exit type " exit" xboing ( in X terminal ) . Deh .... very funny , like the old games-games ..... 


Image editor program that is very good , comparable to Adobe Photoshop , the difference is this program free of charge .

shutdown - h now

( as root ) Shut down the system .
Commonly used for remote shutdown . Use it to shutdown at the console ( can be run by the user ) .


reboot ( as root ) Halt or reboot the machine . More simple than the one above.

 man topic

Displays a list of system manual pages (help ) in accordance with the topic . Try " man man " . lalutekan " q " to exit the viewer . Command " info topic " Manual pages can be read in a way dilhat " any_command -help " .

 apropos topic
Displays help manual based on the topic .

Seeing the current working directory ( print working directory )

Displays the name of the local host ( the machine on which you are working ) .
Use the command " netconf " ( as root ) to change the hostname of the machine , or edit the file / etc / hosts

Print your login name .
to know what you terlogin with the user .

id username

Print user id ( uid ) or group id ( gid )

Print or change the date and time on the computer, for example to change the date and time to 2000-12-31 23:57 by command ; date 123123572000


Seeing the amount of time that a process is handled to completion + other info . Do not be confused with the command " date " whoMelihat user who is logged on our computer . 

rwho -a
See all users logged on your network .
The rwho service must be enabled command , run setup as root to activate . 

finger username
Viewing user information , try running ; finger root

See the previous user has logged in komputer.uptimeMelihat amount of time the use of computers by one , starting the last reboot .

 ps ( = print status)
See processes run by the user .

pa axu 

Seeing the whole process run , even without terminal control , also displayed the name of the user for each process . 

See the process running , the cpu usage sequences .
uname - aInformasi your system kernel .


Information memory ( in kilobytes ) . 

df - h
( = disk free ) Viewing the disk usage information on the whole system (in human - readable form )

du / - bh

( = disk usage ) View detailed disk usage for each directory , starting from the root (in human legible form) .

 cat / proc / cpuinfo 

Cpu info. Viewing files in the / proc directory is not a real file ( not real files ) . 

cat / proc / interrupts
Seeing the interrupt address dipakai.cat / proc / versionVersi of Linux and other information .

 cat / proc / filesystems

Seeing the filesystem used .

 cat / etc / printcap
See printers that have been set up .

( as root ) Looking at the kernel modules that have been loaded .

Viewing environment of active users

echo $ PATH

Viewing the contents of the variable " PATH " . This command can be used to display other environmen variables well . Use the " set " to see the full environmen . 


Prints messages during the boot process . ( Showing file : / var / log / dmesg ) .


Adding user .


Cleaning the Screen* some commands require you to log in as root . how to stay adding " sudo " in front of perintahmisalkan : sudo rmdir / home / sleepholic / Desktop / x or sudo cp / opt / lampp / lampp / home / sleepholic /



There are various ways to install Ubuntu Linux on your laptop. We could use a flash, vmware and CD / DVD. But here I will explain how the process of installing the CD.

1 . we enter linux ubuntu installer CD into your computer or laptop
2 . After the installer on the CD input , restarted your computer
3 . Arrange for botting from CD / DVD
4 . After the completion of ubuntu in the boot, your computer screen should look like this

 5 . Choose the language Kelik install Ubuntu , if ingis install Ubuntu . Then will appear like this

6 . You also need to have at least 4.5GB of free space available diharddisk you , if you do not have the sufficient space to install Ubuntu linux , then you can not continue the process of installing ubuntu linux .
If you are connected to the internet , Ubuntu will do the update , but if you are not connected Interneti , Ubuntu will not update the data you need.
The second tick the box below , the purpose is to install all the updates while installing .

7 . Here you can choose to install automatically ( Erase disk and install Ubuntu ) or manually ( something else ) , if you want to use in an automated way ( Erase disk and install Ubuntu ) , then all existing data on your laptop or computer will be erased all . But if you want to use it manually ( something else ) , you can split your partitions .

8 . If you choose to erase the disk and install Ubuntu , it will come out look like this
Then you will be presented with a confirmation screen , like this :

Then you click " Install Now " to start the installation .
But if you choose something else , it will come out look like this

For the hard drive is still new we can make a new partition there by clicking the " New Partition Table " and the "Add" button to start creating a new partition and hard disk settings with self-determined choice but to install ubuntu partition to be available is 4.3 GB , and format with EXT4 partition type

9 . After all we are the next setting we place the boot loader or boot that will and we can set , for example grub2 will be installed directly on the hard disk / dev / sda or on the first partition is / dev/sda1 . After that click install now .

10 . After that you will be asked where you are , select the city you later click continue

11 . Just select the default English ( U.S. ) or customize to your keyboard . After that click continue

12 . Now you touched fill in the blanks and click continue

13 . Wait until the process is finished

14 . This is how you install Ubuntu linux earlier

Minggu, 09 Maret 2014

How To Connect Computer Using a STRAIGHT Cable on a LAN Network

Before we begin to connect the computer to the LAN network, we must first prepare his tools :

    The ROUTER is the heart of the network. The router serves to connect 
    one network to another network In this case , the router connects to 
    the Internet network LAN network
In contrast to routers , switches serves to connect each computer on 

    a LAN network
Ethernet card is an adapter to plug the ethernet cable so that

    the computer can connect to the network . Usually , the latest
    computers , these cards have been pinned on board so you do not
    need  to buy again .
That is the cable used to connect a computer to the router or it could

    be a computer with another computer . End of the cable is given
    a connector called an RJ - 45 . RJ - 45 has 2 settings , ie STRAIGHT
    and CROSS . STRAIGHT is used to connect a computer to the router while
    the CROSS is used to connect a computer directly to a computer .
If you want to connect your network to the Internet , then you also

    have to buy a modem . If you do not buy a modem , then your 
    computer can only communicate with other computers that are on the
    LAN network .
Crimping tool , LAN tester , scissors , multimeter .
Crimping tool is used to connect the RJ - 45 ethernet cable . LAN

    cable tester is used for testing LAN is not functioning atai . 
    As an alternative to speed up or simplify your job , you can ask for  
    help to the seller , for example the ethernet cable to the RJ - 45 pair
    at a time so you just pair cables to the router and the computer .
    This is a sample image to construct a LAN network
Connecting to enable Internet Sharing
1. Right Click if your computer is not connected





6. Clik use the following IP ADRESSs, here we will fill IP ADRESS
    Then the one below it click use the following DNS Server Addresses
After entering the IP ADDRES, then click OK

7. Your computer is connected to the internet